What is IOT | simple definition

When small components are connected into single unit called hardware and when small programs are warp into single unit called software and when hardware and software are connected together called firmware and when firmware connect to the internet called Internet of thing and all are connect together and added into our life and make lifestyle smarter and faster and save time.
IOT device allows performing task remotely and safely as well as fastly and save effort. IOT is 5th generation project that mainly involves the IOT and AI(Artificial Intelligence).

The problem is, people have limited time, attention and accuracy, all of which means they are not very good at capturing data about things in the real world. If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things, using data they gathered without any help from us, we would be able to track and count everything and greatly reduce waste, loss, and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling and whether they were fresh or past their best.

IOT system:
1) Home automation system: in which all appliances are controlled by HAS using smartphone or voice-based.For more information.
2) Self-driving trucks: Texas highway when he saw an oncoming car drift into his lane just a few hundred feet ahead. There was a ditch to his right and more oncoming cars to his left, so there was little for him to do but hit his horn and brake.For more information.
3) Paying with Your face: Having been added to a database, your face now provides automatic access to the building. It can also be used to monitor my movements through each room inside. As I tour the offices of Face++ (pronounced “face plus ”), located in a suburb of Beijing, I see it appear on several more screens, automatically captured from countless angles by the company’s software. On one screen a video shows the software tracking 83 different points on my face simultaneously. It’s a little creepy but undeniably impressive. For more information.
4) Drone: drone is one time aircraft without human pilot instead of it control remotely by human.For more information.

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IOT devices:
1) Mobile phone
2) Router
3) Robot
4) Laptop
5) PC
6) Raspberry Pi
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When AI and IOT are connected together then it makes a device called a ROBOT it also behave as human and do word more than human.


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