What is backdoor | Backdoor in JAVA,Android,Python,windows,Linux,Mac

Backdoor is process or technique in which bypass the normal authentic process, In short, it is a trick to found a bug in system and Login or enter into the system without username and password or any security properties it called Backdoor.


JAVA: Java is most used language and most famous due to that it uses widely and a prime target for the hacker.

backdoor or vulnerabilities in Java:
  1. Unpatched Libraries
  2. SQL injection
  3. coding error
  4. XSS
  5. Redirection
Unpatched Libraries: due to unpatched it is open and in Java, Libraries have No restriction to run hacker can easily embed code with it and run without authentication.

SQL injection: hacker injects code and accesses data-driven resources.for more information.

Coding error: when an error is generated java have predefine errors by default it shows if a programmer cannot use error-handling mechanism than java show predefine error and that error contains valuable data.

XSS: Cross-site scripting it enable when data submit and store into the database using the web but in traditional firewall have no capacity to detect it.

Redirect the use: Redirect the page who we do not click or do not want to open it.

for more information:

DZone: https://dzone.com/refcardz/java-application-vulnerabilities

3PILLARglobal: https://www.3pillarglobal.com/insights/security-vulnerabilities-java-based-web-applications

check mark: https://www.checkmarx.com/sast-supported-languages/java-security-vulnerabilities-and-language-overview/

javacodegeeks: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/05/9-security-mistakes-every-java-developer-must-avoid.html

Backdoor or vulnerabilities in Android:
  1. ObjectInputStream Deserialize
  2. APK replica file
ObjectInputStream Deserialize (under Android 5.0): java.io.ObjectInputStream did not check whether the Object that is being deserialized is actually serializable.For more information.

APK replica file: Android does not properly check cryptographic signatures for applications, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via an application package file (APK) that is modified in a way that does not violate the cryptographic signature.For more information.

For more backdoor or vulnerabilities.

Must visit: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-1224/product_id-19997/version_id-188440/Google-Android-6.0.1.html

Backdoor or vulnerabilities in Python:
  1. XPath injections.for more information.
  2. Command Injections.for more information.
  3. LDAP injections.for more information.
For more vulnerabilities.

backdoor or vulnerabilities in windows:

windows 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PILDBTObzLw


windows 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW00gdvSYoU

windows XP: shif+ctrl+Enter

backdoor or vulnerabilities in Linux:
  1. General lack of patch management for the OS
  2. Outdated third-party applications
  3. Lack of password enforcement
  4. General lack system hardening
  5. Lack of backups
    for more information.
backdoor or vulnerability in mac: check here

For more information.


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