Types Of attack By Hackers

 There are thousands of attack can be by hacker but it categories into two categories
types of attack By hackers
Type of Attack By Hackers
  1. Passive attacks
  2. Active attacks
Passive attacks:  In which attacks involve who admin or user are unknown from that. That means this is very difficult to detect. That involve monitoring network and network packages, show session, known port no. Is which one is open or close in short monitor or capture network elements as well as important data when attack have performed no impact or no changes on the network. Passive attacks are main categories of two types:
  1. Release Of message content
  2. Traffic analysis
Release Of message content: In this type of attack attacker gain the message from the network without change on message.
Traffic analysis: In these types of attack, the attacker gains the information of network or monitoring network. Some passive attack with Example and description:
Dumpster diving:  “your object, for you trash but for the attacker it is treasure” it called dumpster diving. Object is any digital or physical entity contain sensitive data, for example, You going to laptop care for service your laptop, for servicing you write down your password into paper and attacked into laptop, after servicing you throw the paper, now paper is trash for you but for attacker
Traffic analysis using Wireshark:  This is used to analyze network traffic and it is troubleshooting tool used to detect attackers but attacker use that software with negative intent. This is also used for positive intent in NIDS.For perform.
Active attack: In this type of attack, attacker attack on the network and it modify the network and network packages, as well as admin or user, are known or unknown from that attacker are performed.

Active attack is dived into four categories
  1. Masquerade
  2. Replay
  3. Modification of messages
  4. Denial of service
Masquerade: In this type of attack, attacker spoof the identity of the victim means it takes the mask of the victim and communicates with the network.
Replay: In this types of attacker gain the recent message from network and after a while time it that copy of message sand second time to the victim, for example
User A and User B communicate with each other through network User A sand Massage “tomorrow is holiday” and it captures by Attacker C after one-day Attacker re-sand the message to User B it called Replay attack.
Modification of messages: In this type of attack attacker gain the network message and modify that message and after it sand to the respected receiver.
DOS: for that, I already create the post with example visit by click here. Some active attack with Example and description:
Man In Middle attack: Attacker is come into two or more entity (not physically) and gain all message and monitor as well as modify the message and network entity are the unknown form that. For performing MIM: Ourcode World: https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/422/how-to-perform-a-man-in-the-middle-mitm-attack-with-kali-linux
Hacking tutorial: http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/hacking-tutorial/kali-linux-man-middle-attack/#sthash.RrUlqdHE.dpbs
SQL injection: w3schools: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp


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