10 think you should be known about computer world

The first one is who invent computer?
    • Before we know who invent computer let’s know what is meaning of computer and why it use?

    • The meaning of computer word is simply calculations or computations at high speed.

    • Let’s know why it uses: The word "computer" was first recorded as being used in 1613 and originally was used to describe a human who performed calculations or computations. The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, when the industrial revolution gave rise to machines whose primary purpose was calculating.

    • Now who first invent computer?

    • The first mechanical computer is Analytical engine, who invented by Charles Babbagein 1822, he also known as father of computer. And Charles Babbage is mathematician.

    • And Charles Babbage not develop completely computer in his life due to money and some other reason but first approach and experiment by him the analytical is third one computer because first and second is not completely develop due to size, money and some other fect but in short Charles Babbage is father of computer.

Second one is who invent binary?

    • Due to binary overall internet works, we also know all technology, all system, all communication, all transection, all hacking in short every think (system) work base on binary code.

    • Because binary is understand by computer and after it work on that, over all activity it convert into binary.

    • It invented by Gottfried Leibniz in 1679

    o For more information: Wikipedia (i think you should know for awesome history)
    Third one is who is first programmer?

    • The Ada Lovelace, Ada Lovelace is first programmer who writes the first program that can do perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and Ada Lovelace also mathematician and writer.

    • Charles Babbage Goes to the Ada Lovelace and tell for create program, also Charles Babbage is professor than Ada Lovelace agree with Charles Babbage create an program.

    • For more information: Wikipedia

    Forth one is which one is fist programming language?

    • The first programming language is Was Plankalkül By Konran Zuse

    • This is simple program of Was Plankalkül … max from 3

    • P1 max3 (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0],V2[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0]
    • max(V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) → Z1[:8.0]
    • max(Z1[:8.0],V2[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0]
    • END
    • P2 max (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) → R0[:8.0]
    • V0[:8.0] → Z1[:8.0]
    • (Z1[:8.0] < V1[:8.0]) → V1[:8.0] → Z1[:8.0]
    • Z1[:8.0] → R0[:8.0]
    • END
    Fifth one who invent Disk operating System (DOS)?
    • Means who invent DOS ?

    • DOS invented by Tim Paterson and he sell DOS to bill gates, bill gates modify it and make MS-DOS now you use windows it is based on DOS without DOS windows nothing,
    sixth one is Designed the windows 10

    o For more information: Wikipedia(click here)

    Who design windows 10?

    • Terry Myerson: Microsoft’s humble man He reads everything that's written about Windows, the crown jewel of the vast empire of software and gadgets that he now oversees as part of a newly expanded role at Microsoft.

    • For more information: Wikipedia(click here)

    Seven one who invent first smart phone?
    • When is invent it not called smart phone.
    • It was called the Simon Personal Communicator, and it was created by IBM
    • For more information:

    Eight one is who invent Wi-Fi?
    • The full form of wi-fi is wireless Fidelity and It invented by IEEE in 1997 named 801.11 with maximum speed is 2 mbps

    • Why: because when need to product or launch the this facility than “IEEE 801.11” it not a technical and productive name and no easy to said than for product it called Wi-Fi.

    • Version of Wi-Fi:
    • 801.11a
    • 801.11b
    • 801.11n
    • 801.11g
    • 801.ac
    • And after 801.11 a, 801.11 b,801.11 g, 801.11 n, 801.11ac now mostly use ‘n’ version with up to 1GB
    • If frequency is more than speed will be increase but area will be decrease
    • If frequency is less than speed will be decrease and area will be increase
    • 1999 – 801.11a(for office, 5GHz 54mbps) and 801.b(for home, 2.3GHz 11mbps)
    • 2003  - 801.11g = a+b (2.4 GHz, 54mbps)
    • 2013 -801.11ac 5Ghz, 1.3GB
    o For more information:

    Ninth one is who invent Undo Redo?
    • Undo use using ctrl+z and redo are use using ctrl+y
    • Warren Teitelman developed a Programmer's Assistant as part of BBN-LISP with an Undo function, by 1971.
    o For more information:

    Last one is who invent the internet?
    • Actually internet is invented by many people but it developed by robert E. kahn , Vint Cerf
    • And also you part of internet
    • For more information:


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